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Программа подготовки к поступлению

в школы Великобритании для подростков

Курс подготовки подростков к поступлению в школы в Велиобритании развивает знания и навыки в рамках общего курса средней школы Великобритании по основным учебным предметам, а также прививает навыки академического чтения, письма, аудирования и высказывания в академической среде. Курс включает ознакомление с терминологией и основными понятиями, используемыми в рамках программы средней школы по обязательным и выбранным предметам.

Предлагаемый вариант программы не является исчерпывающим и может быть дополнен предметами и темами в соответствии с требованиями клиента.

Продолжительность курса определяется в соответствии с программой, составленной с учетом конкретных требований клиента, а также уровня владения английским языком.

Занятия ведут преподаватели, имеющие большой опыт подготовки студентов к обучению в средних и высших учебных заведениях Европы, Америки, Австралии и Новой Зеландии.

Мы уже подготовили студентов, которые успешно обучаются в школах и университетах по всему миру.

Отдельный модуль курса посвящен подготовке к сдаче международного экзамена IELTS. Слушатели освоят стратегии и навыки, необходимые для получения 6.0. По окончании курса подготовки к экзамену IELTS мы предлагаем пройти пробный тест.

Программа для подростков (11-14 лет), 7 - 9 класс.



Sentences, writing structure, and character analysis


Different writing styles, and methods of preparation

Speaking and listening

Presentation, listening and dramatic techniques



Calculations, orders of operation, fractions, decimals, and percentages


Formulas, inequalities, equations, coordinates, graphs and sequences

Handling data

Recording and representing data, measures of average, probability and relative frequency


Reading and converting measurement units, perimeter, area, volume and time

Shape and space

Shapes, transformations, angles, triangles, lines, polygons, symmetry, circles, pythagoras' theorem


Organisms, behaviour and health

Life processes, cells, health, variation and classification, feeding relationships

Chemical and material behaviour

Solids, liquids and gases, periodic table, pH scale for acids, bases and alkalis

Energy, electricity and forces

Energy, forces, electric currents and magnetism

The environment, the Earth and the universe

Rock types, astronomy, and the environment

Программа для подростков 15-16 лет, 10 -11 класс.


Aims and organisation

Aims and organisation, enterprise, business structures and business expansion


Market research, the marketing mix, product, price, place and promotion


Sources of finance, revenue and profit, cash flow, financial records and breaking even

People in business

Organising staff, recruitment, motivation, protecting staff and communication


Production methods, efficiency, economies of scale, quality and stock control

Business environment

Stakeholders, the economy, the environment, ethics and location.


Poem from different cultures

Reading non-fiction texts

Getting started, genre, audience, purpose, language, information, style, tone, comparative exercise, comparative exam question

Speaking and listening

Speaking and listening, presentation skills, pulling power

Writing to analyse, review and comment

Introduction, writing an article, analysing a moving image text, sample article analysing Helicopter Heroes

Writing to argue, persuade and advise

(Paper 1, Section B) Getting started, genre, audience and purpose, writing to argue, writing to persuade, writing to advise, exam tips

Writing to imagine, explore and entertain

Getting started with creative writing, planning, setting, characters and dialogue, putting it all together

Writing to inform, explain and describe

Writing to inform, explain and describe



Characteristics of farming, types of farming, agricultural issues and change

Coastal landscapes and processes

Coastal processes, erosion landforms, deposition landforms, coastal management


Contrasts in development, factors influencing development, trade, aid


Biomes, tropical rainforests, coniferous woodland, savannah grassland, human uses of rainforests, human uses of the savannah

Glacial landscapes and processes

Glacial processes, glacial erosion landforms, glacial deposition landforms, human activity in glaciated areas, case study: conservation and management in the Lake District


Characteristics of industry, case study: industry in MEDCs, globalisation, contemporary industrial issues

Managing resources

What are resources, energy, global warming, tourism


Population distribution and density, population change and structure, migration, managing population change

River landscapes and processes

River profiles, river processes, river landforms, river flooding and management issues

Rock landscapes and processes

Classification of rocks, processes, rock types, quarrying


Settlement characteristics, urban models in MEDCs, urban models in LEDCs, urbanisation in MEDCs

Tectonic activity

Tectonic plates, fold mountains, earthquakes, volcanoes and volcanic eruptions, managing tectonic hazards

Weather and climate

Climate, weather systems, weather and human activity

Geographical skills

Map skills, graph skills, photos in geography, geography coursework


Modern World History

World War One and Two, The Cold War, Britain 1905-1951, Germany 1918-1939, Russia/USSR 1905-1941, USA 1919-1941, Vietnam 1954-1975, Northern Ireland 1965-1985



Formulas and equations, inequalities, graphs, quadratic equations, sequences

Data Handling

Collecting data, averages, representing data, probability


Number, fractions, decimals and ratios, factors, powers and roots

Shape, space and measures

Shapes, coordinates, transformations and vectors, calculating lengths, areas and angles, measurements



Human biology

Defending against infection, diet and exercise, drugs and health, hormones, the nervous system

Evolution and environment

Evolution, humans and the environment, organisms in their environment, reproduction and cloning


Products from rocks

Atoms and atomic structure, fuels from crude oil, limestone, metals

Oils, Earth and atmosphere

Changes to the Earth and its atmosphere, plant oils and food additives, polymers and ethanol from oil


Energy and electricity

Generating electricity, heat transfer and efficiency, using electricity

Radiation and the Universe

An introduction to waves, the electromagnetic spectrum, origins of the universe, radioactive substances, sending information

Обучение по этой программе проводится индивидуально, стоимость обучения 1500 рублей за 1 ак. час. Занятия проводит завуч нашей школы, которая имеют диплом Кембриджского Университета по специальности: преподавание английского языка как иностранного и имеет большой опыт работы подготовки студентов к поступлению в средние и высшие зарубежные учебные заведения.

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